1. Identity: Discover who God uniquely made me to be
Talk 1 of 4 = From the Transformation series
Your uniqueness is a gift from God Himself. You matter because of who you, more so than anything you. The impact you make on the world is an overflow of who you am.
The beginning point of all of this, of course, is the first point of lesson 1: See life from a different perspective.
In fact, this is what the Bible-word repent actually means-- "to see things from a different perspective, such that it affects how you live and the decisions you make."
Over the this and 4 more lessons you'll see a few things from a different point-of-view:
- You'll see who you are from a different point-of-view (this lesson)
- You'll see time and money from a different point-of-view (lesson 2)
- You'll see the church as well as your daily work, whatever that is, from a different point-of-view (lesson 3)
- You'll see your relationship with others differently as well (lesson 4)

One of the greatest areas of repentance is awakening to who we are, to our true identity. That is, we need to see ourselves as God sees us.
Identity theft is a major problem in our culture. However, the problem we see in the natural mirrors an even greater issue in the supernatural. People don’t know who they are. The enemy comes and steals their true identity. Then, he imposes a false one.
Don’t be a victim of “spiritual identity theft.” Remember who you are.
When we read the New Testament we learn that the Holy Spirit has gifts-- the supernatural manifestations listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.
And, Jesus has gifts-- the embodied gifts of leaders He offers the church to help each of us find and fulfill our purpose (see Ephesians 4:11-13).
The Father has gifts, too.
The gifts arrive at different times in our lives— and for different reasons.
- You receive the gifts of the Spirit when you become a Christian— when the Holy Spirit moves into your life.
- You receive the gifts of the Son when you connect with a faith community.
- You receive the gifts of the Father simply for being born.

The seven "created designs" each match a unique day in the Creation story. They each carry potential blessings as well as pitfalls.
(Some theologians refer to these as "redemptive gifts" because Jesus redeemed each of them at the Cross!)
Moreover, throughout the various groups of "sevens" we see in the Bible, we learn much about each of these gifts--
- The days of creation show us the primary motivation for each gift-type.
- The seven enemies Israel faced in the Promised Land highlight curses each gift can fall under.
- Bold leaders who stood for God and His people show us the blessings of each gift.
- The words Jesus spoke from the Cross show us the path forward for redemption-- and walking in these gifts.
- The seven churches of Revelation highlight the spiritual birthright / supernatural DNA within each gift type.
And, remember, you have one of these gifts by virtue of being born. This is a gift of the Father to you-- and you are a gift to the world.

Other talks in this series
(Plus link to all Transformation resources)